For the past several years, I have hosted an annual New Citizen’s Swearing-In Ceremony at Trenton’s City Hall, in co-ordination with USCIS. Between 40-50 people confirm their citizenship, take the oath of allegiance and receive letters of congratulations from our Congressperson. It is also a chance to showcase Trenton’s History and Culture, as it unfolds against the backdrop of Everett Shinn’s dynamic mural in City Council Chambers, with members of the Old Barracks Fife and Drum Corps providing a mini concert culminating in a Star Spangled Banner Sing-Along. Commemorative Card Artwork by Leon Rainbow.
Friday, January 3, 2020 - - U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Mount Laurel Field Office Director Ya-Mei Chen administers the Oath of Allegiance to 41...